19 de jul. de 2009

º• Equilíbrio²

meditação,equilíbrio,mulher meditando

"Equilíbrio, é a habilidade
De olhar para a vida
À partir de uma perspectiva clara.

Fazer a coisa certa no momento certo!

Uma pessoa equilibrada
Será capaz de apreciar a beleza
E o significado de cada situação
Seja ela adversa ou favorável...

Equilíbrio é a habilidade de aprender
Com a situação e de prosseguir
Com sentimentos positivos...

É estar sempre alerta,
Ser totalmente focado,
E ter uma visão ampla...

Equilíbrio vem do entendimento,
Humildade e tolerância...

O mais elevado estado de equilíbrio
É voar livre de tudo!

E ainda assim, manter-se
Firmemente enraizado
Na realidade do mundo

"Brahma Kumaris"

4 comentários :

  1. Anônimo19.7.09

    Bem maneiro o seu blog! Equilibrio eh algo q venho buskndo sem mto sucesso. rsrsrs
    Vc quer fzer parceria com banners? Tenho mtos seguidores q acho q vaum curtir seu blog.
    Se topar eh soh me dar um toque no meu blog ok?

    Bjos e parabens pelo blog!

  2. Hi Nyelly. I think that everything in the world based on the two energies, positive and negative, Every body, every subject and every organism possesses both power and is very important to balance between these two energy state reflects the balance of stability, balance, health, positive reproduction of each organism.

    Each item and every body radiates an energy, because we are always exposed to mutual influence of energy that radiates, all in all has some influence. I think that people give too much influence of energy that radiate objects, living organisms and the whole universe, because the man has a very powerful weapon with which he can fight the negative impacts, this weapon is called the human psyche.

    According to my free assessment, a man uses only about 5% chance of his own psyche. Strength of spirit is very powerful and can even appear as a supernatural phenomena to the average man. Some people have proven that the power of human spirit, very powerful.

    One man, who has achieved the perfect state of being, has conducted a lethal dose of poison (I think it was a type of cyanide) through his own body, it made only the power of his own spirit, and under full supervision of a team of experts, at the end of the experts concluded that the poison passed through his body without any consequences for the organism. This is for science and medicine was incomprehensible experience, and since then attaches greater attention to the strength of the human spirit, but unfortunately still not enough.

  3. Zvonko,
    The truth is that we are far from finding the balance spiritual that we need so much !

  4. Obrigada pelo desafio! tem um selo pra vc no meu blog, passa lá!!

    Good Look!!


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